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Saturday, April 19, 2014

This isn't your ordinary trellis

I have taken a semi-vow not to plant anything I can't eat. That is why I have food growing in my flower bed :). The vow can't be a full-blown vow, because I can't part with my orchids. Are they edible?

I love whimsy. I love having fun and finding things that are out of the ordinary. When I came across this metal dress form while "junking" with my sister-in-law, I knew I had to have it for my garden.  I planted some melting sugar snow peas and they needed some support. I thought, "Why not?" and went with it.
 Placing the form where I wanted it, I made a line in the dirt as a guide for planting. I planted the peas where they would be just under the back of the form. I then placed the form on top and used two electric fence posts to support the dress form, securing them together with zip ties. I should have painted the orange posts black, but didn't have any paint on hand.
This is how it turned out.

 Cute, huh? I hope to add some updated pictures as they grow and let you know if this is as practical as it is cute. Please share your ideas too!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Save the Dirt for the Seeds

It drives me crazy when dirt falls out the bottom of my pots when I am starting seeds. To remedy this, I just cut a little piece of paper towel, newspaper, or a coffee filter and pop it into the bottom before filling it with dirt. Problem solved!