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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Using Dry Erase Markers Around the House

This is my husband's creative way to remind me to get the lunch he packed me.  It's a dry erase marker. How sweet!

Here's a home hint: My husband and I leave for work at different times in the morning. He is usually up and gone before me so we keep dry erase markers around the house to communicate. They write on anything with a slick surface.  We keep one in the kitchen and one in the toothbrush cup in the bathroom to write on the mirror. Please note: If you make a drawing on the mirror in the bathroom, the next person who steams it up can still read it, so write/draw with care ;) Vinegar or commercial window cleaner will get it off though. Always test on a hidden area to make sure it is non-porous.

Markers are great for teenager reminders too! 

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